For Grandparents

This blog is for grandparents who know that of all the experiences of life, "This is the real deal". It's where life's journey becomes more that you could have asked or imagined.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ice cream sandwiches for breakfast

So let me begin with a disclaimer for the nutrition police: we eat pretty healthy around here. But when a 3 year old wakes up from a good sleep and when asked, "what do you want for breakfast?" replies with great enthusiasm, "ice cream sandwich" someone (and I think grand parents are the ones) ought to say at least once in their mostly healthy eating life, "sure, ice cream sandwich it is". I might draw the line at a Snickers bar but then again, that' never come up :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'd crawl for you

Two of our little ones are pretty close in age and the boy walked just a bit before his cousin. She only crawled but when the little guy was around her, he'd crawl too even though he would walk. Was super cute. "Hey honey, I'd crawl for you if you just share that bottle of milk. By the way I love those Dora diapers"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New shoes

I don't think I ever appreciated how good my parents were as grandparents, or perhaps I'm just more aware these days. When our two girls were little their Nana and Papa invited them for many sleep overs. Many times they took them shopping and without fail they came home with new shoes. Of course the little ones were tickled pink and we were thankful for their generosity. My parent were raised in the great depression and I think really liked being able to give their grandkids something they didn't have themselves. What is amazing is that to this day our girls love to buy shoes. Their husbands might call it an obsession :) I doubt my parents ever though that this small kindness would make such a significant difference. Every time I see our girls buy new shoes for themselves or their little ones I think of my folks how it all began.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Eating only peas

I think it was our oldest grandson, now 10, who for a spell in his early years only wanted to eat peas. I suppose better than beef jerkey, corn dogs or hot tamale candy but peas? The eating habits of toddlers never ceases to amaze. We've got one that eats only meat, one fruit, one that would turn down a snickers bar for broccoli. As they say in the art world, "there is no accounting for taste". Happy grand parenting. Keep it real.

Too yucky for papa

So in our family grandpa is "Papa". I'm always curious to hear what's the case in other families. Anyhow staying with the potty them, our young potty trainee was not making the progress hoped or (smarties must not have been working - or I ate them all). So the trainee was deemed through the sniff or peak test, both I find unhappy, to have produced a significant odor along with corresponding matter. My daughter, bless her heart says, "this is gross, I'm going to have to let Papa change you!" Now that's what I call a real deal terrifying moment! Life passed before my eyes as I thought about putting on a full body plastic suit on. But before I could run away screaming, the little ones says with the sweetest voice I've ever heard, "It's to yucky for Papa". That's what we call Mommy 0, Papa 1. Such a sweet little onE

Smarties in the bathroom

One day in noticed that our bathroom had a new accessory: smarties (or m&m's - no peanuts of course). As I took my position at the usual spot I realized once again that life just keeps getting better. Candy in the bathroom! What a cool idea! Snacks whilst one does their daily "duty". Of course the smarties were simply evidence that one of our little ones was at the potty training stage and bribery was the instrument of choice. Not sure it worked but I have to admit that I was a little disappointed when they disappeared. Secretly sneaking the odd treat was both fun and tasty. Now how to get them back!

Grand parents don't brag! We really don't!

I see all these albums labeled, "Grandmas' brag book". I used to think the grand parents were the most prolific unabashed braggarts on the planet..... but then I became one. What I learned (and this IS the real deal) is that grand parents don't brag. We just tell the truth as modestly as is possible under the circumstances. To be honest we're actually holding back because if what we said about our grandchildren as we KNOW it to be true, no on would believe us. So the next time you hear a grand parent say something with pride and enthusiasm, just remember. It's not even close to what they think really needs to be said.